Advocacy Unlimited, Inc.
"Advocacy Unlimited offers education in self, systems, and legislative advocacy skills for persons in recovery from psychiatric disabilities.

Advocacy Unlimited, Inc. is a statewide nonprofit organization in Connecticut that helps countless persons with, or in recovery from, psychiatric disabilities and their families in many ways. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for these individuals. We achieve this mission through a comprehensive education course that provides extensive training in self, systems, and legislative advocacy skills.

AU's Advocacy Education Course is open to any Connecticut resident who has, or is in recovery from, a psychiatric disability and who is age 18 or older and a registered voter.

Graduates are placed within the community for six months and become part of a grassroots network of trained advocates that help others in their recovery, especially by advocating for their rights and also teaching them to advocate for themselves. Our core value and belief is that everyone should be treated equally regardless of race, gender, or disability. Knowledge and skills ensure that people play a central role in shaping the services and policies that affect their lives.

Advocacy Unlimited also provides a wealth of information, support, and resources pertaining to mental health and the issues surrounding mental illness, including awareness and stigma. AU has developed a network of mental health advocates across Connecticut trained to help and support others with psychiatric disabilities."