Banner Advocating Change Together(ACT)Advocating Change Together
"Advocating Change Together (ACT) is a disability rights organization that is:

  • run by and for people with developmental disabilities and other disabilities.
  • committed to this premise: It is not the individual who must change to fit society, but society and systems that must change to accommodate all people.
  • responding to the societal problem that individuals with developmental disabilities are too often isolated and excluded from decisions regarding their lives.

Historically, persons with disabilities have been on the receiving end of change, having no control over what services they receive, such as what accommodations are made available for education or employment. Today, thanks to the self-advocacy movement, people with disabilities are creating change - demanding equal rights and equal participation.

ACT's mission is to encourage and support this change. Through our programs and products, ACT works in two ways-- providing information, skill building, and leadership opportunities to individuals with disabilities; and challenging institutional barriers by organizing people with disabilities around issues of common concern."