Disability Rights and Independent Living Movement Oral Histories/Archives
"The DRILM collection consists of more than 100 oral histories with leaders and shapers of the disability rights and independent living movement from the 1960s onward and an extensive archive of personal papers of activists and records of key organizations."

Access these collections by:

Alphabetical listing of individuals and organizations
Geographical location of individuals and organizations
Organization name
Research and study topics

"UC Berkeley’s Bancroft Library, through its Regional Oral History Office, has recorded and continues to record the stories of individuals who have made significant contributions to the origins and achievements of these movements. The Bancroft Library also collects, preserves, and provides access to the papers of organizations and individuals of importance to the struggles for disability rights and independent living. The collection highlights the broad range of strategies and tactics employed, the diverse experience of the activists involved, and the intersection of disability in America with the issues of race, ethnicity, class, and gender."