Partners In Policymaking
"Partners in Living" is a seven-hour self-directed e-learning course created to help people with developmental disabilities, their parents, family members and friends, educators and service providers understand the important concepts of self-determination, family support, community living and assistive technology. Go to to review the course. We would appreciate any comments and feedback. Please take a few minutes to fill out the feedback form within the course.

"Partners in Time" is an eight-hour self-directed e-learning course created to help people with developmental disabilities, their parents, family members and friends, educators and service providers understand the history of society's treatment of people with disabilities from ancient times through the present. Go to to review the course. We would appreciate any comments and feedback.

"Partners in Education" is a six-hour self-directed e-learning course to help parents with children with developmental disabilities better understand and maximize the benefits of special education services and inclusion for their children. Go to to review the course and give us your comments and feedback. The course has been updated to reflect IDEA 2004.

"Making Your Case" is a three-hour self-directed course on how to communicate with public officials by effectively telling your personal story, writing a letter, providing testimony, and communicating in positive ways. Go to to review the course. Please take a moment to complete the evaluation. We welcome your comments and feedback. Click here to download a course outline for Making Your Case.

"Partners in Employment" is a six-hour self-directed course on how to find a job, write a resume, participate in an interview, and plan for your career. Go to to take the course and give us your comments and feedback. Click here to download a course outline for Partners in Employment.

These e-learning courses are available to everyone!

PLEASE NOTE: There are NO registration fees for the "Partners in Living," "Partners in Time," "Partners in Education," "Making Your Case" or "Partners in Employment" e-learning courses.