Person-centered planning Education Site
“What is person-centered planning?
We're glad you asked! Person-centered planning is a process-oriented approach to empowering people with disability labels. It focuses on the people and their needs by putting them in charge of defining the direction for their lives, not on the systems that may or may not be available to serve them. This ultimately leads to greater inclusion as valued members of both community and society.
Person-centered planning involves the development of a "toolbox" of methods and resources that enable people with disability labels to choose their own pathways to success; the planners simply help them to figure out where they want to go and how best to get there.
In this site you will find:
- an overview of the person-centered planning process
- a self-study course covering the basic processes involved
- a quiz section to help you focus on areas you may need to cover more thoroughly
- a compendium of readings and activities for you to use on your own
- various links and downloadable resources.
. . . all of which are geared toward facilitating and enhancing your awareness of and appreciation for person-centered planning. We think you will enjoy your visit with us!
Using a screen-reader program? No problem! This site is completely accessible, and all the study materials found here are available in text-only formats that you can download and peruse at your convenience.”